Day Eight
Holy Sh*t. I got my butt kicked today by my 4 year old. WHEW. She was up at 3am with an ear ache and MAMA IS TIRED. Today was a struggle. I know my ex is with his girlfriend some place while I am here taking care of a sick kid and theres something about that, that doesn’t sit right. Mostly, I can’t stop wondering if he had been honest with her or not.. I am going with not. But, I digress.
We went to see her ped again, but she was out today so we went to the clinic at PHS and it was actually a great little place to go. The nurces and doc was super nice and great with C.. they all called her princess bc she had her rapunzel tiara on. She felt ok today but whinyyyyyy and her ears were red. So we got the antibiotics and shes sleeping now. Hopefully tomorrow is a less difficult day for us all.
We ran to Kroger, and C would NOT stay home with her sis even for 10 minutes.. but I get it. She’s a mama’s girl and didn’t feel great. I get flustered bc so many things could be easier if she wasn’t so attached, but I hate when she is not here so I just take her.
I made chicken friend rice again but for dinner and kept making mistakes, like leaving the hot burner on a pan way too early and for getting about it. This dang brain.. so annoyyyyinggg. It makes me not want to try to cook anything new bc I can’t even make easy things anymore without a lot of effort. I still love to cook, but only when its a low stress day, when C is here, the struggle can be real with dividing my attention.
I started a new painting today in the garage, the weather was soooo nice! The girls both painted too. Ana was really loving it today, and that make me happy bc its such a good tool for regulation.
Ana’s friend from grade school came to spend the night and I took them on a sheetz run which made Ana very happy, LOL. She loves to pick out snacks, which she gets honest. They are sweet girls and I love that they reconnected after COVID and them both leaving that school.
Alright, I am going to bedddd. Here are the singular 4 photos I took today…