Day Seven

Today we had to get up and take the two feral black kitties we fed all winter to the SPOT clinic for neuter surgery.. so our day started out hilarious trying to catch the one we call Biggie… He is not really interested in a day trip to the vet and his brother is easy to catch… so after many attempts, I took Sweets and left Biggie… tried to trap him after I get back with food in a crate and I got excited when a black cat went in…. trapped him…. it was BOOTS. my buddy I have had for two years now. Oppppps. SO Biggie gets to keep his bits for another day. Little turd. I made chicken friend rice for lunch and Garret took a pic of me.. which was funny bc Cobie had also taken a pic of me.. Camp Snap for the win, I exist in images! lol

Cobie and I went to the Discovery World Easter Egg Hunt and I am not gonna lie, I thought there would be a line waiting to get in, but we were first to get in at just 5 minutes early. Cobie had a blast and there were so many eggs I had her leave a bunch behind and then we opened them up and left the duplicate toys behind for other kids. I loved that none of the things inside were candy. We have a membership there and have gone 4 times so far, and I am sure there will be many rainy days this summer there. Def. go if you live here in the MOV. Cobie does get sensory overload there so, we like to go when its slow, Wednesday afternoons right before they close has been a good time.

After that we went to McD’s for a happy meal so Cobie could not eat it.. so I had chicken mcnuggets for lunch... I never have those by choice, but somehow eat them like 2-3 times a month. We got Sweets from the vet and got him settled in the garage cage set up for him to heal. He wants out, so we will see how long keeping him pinned up lasts. I love ferals because they take no shit. They are hilarious and when they do allow you to love them… oh man, so sweet. Biggie… you will be had one of these days bro..

Ana came home after being with her dad to stay well, and she was cast in another Valley Gem production. She was cast as Lydia Bennett in Darcy & Elizabeth (Pride & Prejudice adaptation.) GO girl! Her next performance is called Broadway in Bloom on the Riviera/Valley Gem and she will be singing with the company. I am so proud of her and how she is leaning in to her talents.

We had a pretty low key night, I was SO tired and frazzled by the end of the night, I almost fell asleep with Cobie but I got up and I started a new stained glass project last night with a pattern I made and cut on my cricut. Hopefully this helps my ADHD stay on task and actually get the piece cut in a way that fits nicely. I always go rogue and end up having to grind so much more than needed to get it to work and I have never finished a piece totally on my own, correctly. Thats why I call my art a practice… ? Help.


Day Eight


Day Six